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Recorded May and June 2022 at Eugenia Apartment 102, Southeast Portland, Oregon. 


Music and lyrics written by Kevin Shapiro with the exception of track 9 “Seasons Change” (music and lyrics written by Pierce Kelly Valenzuela with supplemental lyrics by Kevin Shapiro); and track 13 “Buskers Jingle Jangle” (some lyrics were written by others without their consent).


Musicians (recorded elsewhere)

Alex Vo (pedal steel)

JD Erickson (saxophone)

Ross McKinney (electric guitar)

Domenico Franco (electric guitar)

Jay Ringer (melodica) 


Mixed and mastered by John Fauler

Anchor 1

1. Boondoggle


    Boon·dog·gle /ˈbo͞onˌdäɡəl/ Noun: work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of having value. Verb: waste money or time on unnecessary or questionable projects. I always thought “boondoggle” was a joke word, made up by Davis Torgerson and his friends in Minnesota. Turns out it has a definition, and that definition happens to describe my music, and most of the things I do, life, really. It also has a great syllable structure and rhyming opportunities: boondoggle, blue goggle? to toggle? Anyways, so I wrote this song. I was gonna call it “Nollie Front Hurricane” but my critically acclaimed record execs said that was too long. 



It ain’t where there's lightning

it’s when there’s thunder

It ain't the game

rather the over or the under

If I was to advise

what I’d tell ‘em

Give away the flowers

while they’re still around to smell ‘em


Won’t think once or twice

before leavin’ the home family farm

This old world’s got more up its sleeve

than a dirty arm

You’ll find your head itchin’

for a hand on the label

and your lips on the bottle

You barrel down your night

‘Til you wind up in a boondoggle


Your foods only colder

once it’s sittin’ on the table 

Won’t you tell me now

instead of waiting until later

Your beer’s only warmer

once it’s out the frigerator’ 

You’re placin’ orders

after you paid her


Won’t think once or twice

before sounding the alarm

This ole world’s got more up it’s sleeve

than a dirty arm

You’ll find your head itchin’

for a hand on the wheel

n your foot on the throttle

You barrel down your life

‘Til you find you’re in a boondoggle

A boondoggle

Anchor 2

2. Shoestring

    The minute you think you know something, you don't. The minute you think you don’t know something, you do. Relationships are weird like that. I was trying to wrap this song up and the shoestring holding my bar lamp in my room randomly broke, spilling my wine all over my desk, drawings, and floor. I guess that's what she meant by “were hangin on by a thread?” 

I thought I’d known by then

but I hadn't 

That i didn't by now

but I do

I guess that's the funny thing

about life and livin’


She told me she’d been worried

where I’d been n where I was

Like i'm hooked n booked

n on parole

I guess that's the funny thing

about love and women. 


I'm gettin kinda worried

where my mind’s been

Worried that i haven't been lately at all

‘Cause this is like the last time times ten

But then again

math’s never been my forte


She shut of my light

well really it fell

Spilled on my desk

all over my floor

What could I expect

when it was held up by a shoestring


& never mind askin’ how we are

or how our day’s been

All this hectic

technology and then 

Now you go n tell me

that were held up by a shoestring


N im gettin kinda worried

where my heart’s gone

Ever since I stamped

and shipped it to you

You got me singin’ yet another sad song

When all along

A little smile will do


You got me singin’ yet another sad song

Them ole shoestring blues

Anchor 3
3.Who Cares.png

3. Who Cares

( pedal steel: Alex Vo 

    I graduated college and moved home and started telemarketing ‘cause I didn't get the job at the grocery store I applied to. My degree was not in telemarketing or grocering. They made us re-write and study a grafty sales pitch on a yellow legal pad. I started writing a song to my lady instead. “You make me wanna go to the river, you make me wanna go to the lake, your heart makes my heart beat harder, well aware my heart could break” ..real cheesy stuff. It took me forever and the song sucked. Here's a song about that song. I wrote it in ten minutes after an attempt to end a fight with her one night. I’ve always hated lined paper.

I remember a time that I wrote you a song

and it felt so right

Seems all week long I worked on it

both day and night

Love’s funny it consumes me baby

and it occupies all of my head

The day came and I sang it for you

 that's when you said


Find someone who cares

Find someone who cares 

You said it's easy to do

they're everywhere

Find someone who cares


Lookin’ back now that wasn't the first time

I sang it for you

I sent you a shitty voice memo version

I recorded while drinkin’ a brew or two a few

You couldn't hear the words, and that's my bad

but I gotta say it broke my heart

But lookin back now

aint nothing compared to today

my world fell a-fuckin-part


Find someone who cares? Shit

Find someone who cares

You say it's easy to do

they're everywhere

So who cares


I remember that time that I wrote you that song

now it don’t seem right

Seems all day long I been thinkin’ bout it

well into the night

But love’s funny it consumes me baby

and it occupies all of my head

It's got me back here lying entwined

n flippin’ channels in a queen size bed


With someone who cares

Someone who cares 

It's easy to do

they're everywhere

Fuck, who cares


Find someone who cares

Find someone who cares

What's new?

You’re everywhere

So who cares

Anchor 4

4. Do As The Romans Do

( saxophone: JD Erickson 

    Roman was a local legend who left the planet too soon. I didn't know him nearly as well as I'd like to have known him, but I've been heavily influenced by folks that were heavily influenced by him. If you want good stories about Roman busking with a saxophone, telling passersby that they are getting a free show by a graduate and sarcastically exaggerating the return on investment one receives from paying for music school, go ask Eric Roebuck. He's got a ton of them. I wrote this as a poem and I didn’t want it to rhyme but unfortunately there were rhymes that revealed themselves. 

Can't live with it

Can’t always trust myself

when I think I know where I'm going

and I don't


Ain't nothing more daunting than

being well willing and  

Telling myself I'll refrain

When I won’t


They got the

Best in the diocese

Better yet parish

It's like Christmas morning every night


Stand on the fire

It burns thru your souls

I'll never go again but if I do here’s why


I tend to see it clearer

only once its behind me like

Bright lights in my rear view mirror that blind me.


Oh tomorrow 

Oh manana,

Is over before it begins,

Endless with no start.


It's a dose of doughnuts n diabetes by dinner

Til see you later is goodbye

It's hard to bargain

With a vending machine

It’s monday morning calling on a saxophone Saturday night


And now all the cigarettes

Are nine miles long and lit with

A match made in heaven


By someone listening,

Not waiting to speak,

Lost n found as concrete


And down on earth

For what it's worth

They do as the romans do

They do as the romans do 

They do as the romans do

Anchor 5

5. Harmonica Hound 

    Here's a song about the biggest dog I've ever seen, Sangria. Her original name was Paris and she was intended to be mild mannered, sit calmly in handbags, things like that, but that ole clap of thunder chose a pirate's life from the get go, navigating from behind the handlebars, on the bow and the center console. She liked to party, running around peoples ankles and biting any scallywags foolish enough to pick her up. She led a restless life, the only time both of her eyes were closed was when she’d howl at the harmonica. Some say if you play a harp on a warm lonely river night, when the donkeys are all asleep and the moon is half eclipsed by the fingery desert peaks, you can still hear that old sea dog howl. 

I once knew a dog

she was named after alcohol

She wasn't like any other dog that I’d met at all 

But what they had in pounds

She more than made up for in movin’ around

She been to town 

and two steps from fallin’ off of Sahalie Falls.


Her name was Sangria

 but she was more like the whiskey type

Where them rottweilers barkin

this chihuahua would bite

Harmonica hound

Leave you bleedin' for leavin' the ground

You lookin’ down

Turn around

she ain't out of mind but she’s out of sight

Anchor 6

6. Man's Best Friend 

    I threw this song out for 7 years, thinking it was a dud. Then I thought how true it still was. I threw it out because it rips off a rap song that doesn’t seem to belong in a folk song. Then I thought of what great American songwriters Hitman, Kurrupt & Dr Dre are. I like doing this thing where I'll move away from my closest friends and family but maintain the relationships in complete denial of my own leaving. I think that's what this song is about; that and specifically getting a flat tire in Las Cruces.

I got this friend of mine

we hang out all the time

Whenever we find ourselves

in the same town

But that aint always the case

so when it is we purchase a case

And we crack one after each hollow aluminum sound


He went east to Texas

I went north to Oregon 

Our four wheels, they got us where we needed to go

But with each mile we drove apart

our friendship seemed to grow stronger

A feelin’ I know I'm lucky enough to know.


This just is one of them occasions

just a couple friends doin it right

Take a bullet or a knife

when you both know you're in it for life

And when it all boils down you're gonna find in the end

That a dog is a man's best friend

And it’d be a shame to have a friend like that

and not have his back until the end 


So it's true you're my friend

but that aint how it’s always been

I suppose I spent those first 6 years alone

But summer trips to the lake

and bein’ there when momma passed away

Created this bond as strong as stone


We both played our hands at love

it taught us the importance of

Never lettin’ anybody get between you and me

Always on the other side of the line

when the sun down seem to shine

Through the good times and the bad

you’re never missin’ a beat


This just is one of them occasions

just a couple friends doin it right

Take a bullet or a knife

when you both know you're in it for life

And when it all boils down you're gonna find in the end

That a dog is a man's best friend

And it’d be a shame to have a homie like that

and not have his back until the end 


Shit man ain't it strange

how some shit never changes

Leave us barefoot in the rain

we'll still crack a smile

And when we're both old n grey

n still aint ran out of shit to say

To one another guess we’ll laugh and talk

of our decades of runnin’ wild

Yeah we’ll laugh and talk

about gettin’ a flat in Las Cruces 

and crack a smile


This just is one of them occasions

just a couple friends doin it right

Take a bullet or a knife

when you both know you're in it for life

And when it all boils down you're gonna find in the end 

That a dog is a man's best friend

And even after all the crazy shit we’ve gotten in

if I could do it over I’d do it again

Anchor 7

7. María

( electric guitar: Ross McKinney 

    The lovely María is everyone's favorite. She makes the world's best margarita and she’s your best friend's best friend. She lived in Hawai’i once, and I'm assuming they have statues of her over there. One time I was in the desert, swaying over a bush and wishing María was with us when this moany melody overcame me, so I recorded it on my pocket screen. The next morning I listened and instantly knew it was a piece of shit but I was determined and pushed through that feeling, picked up my guitar, and turned that piece of shit into a piece of shit with chords. 


(a bunch of times reminiscent how one sounds when urinating in a bush and thinking of a great friend that they wish was at the campfire and bottle they came from)


She’ll drink you under the table

and over the line

She knows all your favorite people

from here to Hawai’i

She’ll do it, n soon you will too

without asking why

She’ll drink you under the table

and over the line


There's something 




She’s servin’ up blended up weekends

spicy with lime

She’ll fill your soul, ‘cause her cup is half full

all the time

She’ll do it, n soon you will too

without asking why

She’ll fill up, your soul ‘cause her cup

is half full all the time


There’s something 


Oh there’s somethin



(a bunch more times reminiscent how one sounds when they are done urinating in a bush and returning to the campfire and bottle they wish their friend was at)

Anchor 8

8. Founding Father

    Remember 2020? Wild. Everyone wanted to cancel everyone. I was passing my time by designing a hypothetical open-air museum for discarded confederate statues. The figures would hang upside down, chained to the ceiling and rainwater would periodically fill the space covering their heads. A bit morbid, sure, but I felt we needed to metaphorically drown them, simply discarding them seemed too easy. Anywho, I asked myself if the founding fathers should be subject to this waterboarding and was indifferent. They had some fucked up ideas, but they had some great ideas as well. I wondered what they would think of the current polarized sociopolitical climate, and imagined our country as a family. Instead of political parties there's two kids, the obnoxious daughter, the woke son, and the wise but erroneous father who is having trouble guiding and learning from his extremist children. Everyone has their points, some correct, some not-so-much, but in the end it pays to listen to everyone, take it in, then challenge your own opinions through this virtuous activity called “thinking.” I think that's what this song is about. Or maybe it's just a song about a horse. Whatever. 

I can lead my horse to water

But I can’t make em drink

Eventually tho

a little later

He's gonna ask for a drink


He’ll be like “please?

Oh maybe?

Oh thank you.

Oh baby!”

I can lead my horse to water

one way or another tho

That horse is gonna drink


I can lead my son n my daughter

But on their own they’re gonna think

It don't matter that

I’m their founding father

On their own they’re gonna think


They’ll be like “you did what?

To whom?

Wait, where n when

n my god why!?”

It’ll be worse than that time

she crashed that brand new car I bought her 

Sent me straight to the shrink


Soon she’ll be red and she’ll be fighting with her brother

I’m gonna cringe at the sound

One says that “this privilege

is just mutually exclusive”

to the other who's been draggin’ me down

I'm thinking all of my bliss

is ignorance

I hoped and prayed I’d die

before it ever came to this

But there that ole lady’s

steady fightin’ with her brother

and I cringe at the sound


I buy him these blues but I don’t know why I bother

He feels real pretty in pink

He asks me “What the fuck’s the problem

with a guy who fucks another 

and who doesn’t give a fuck what you think?”


I tell him it’s wrong

“Oh It’s wrong?

 Well maybe it’s right

n maybe that’s why

when you buy me these blues

dad you be dumpin' every dollar

right down your sink”


So I can lead myself to water

n not take a drink 

I set there on the banks

by the water

caught in a think

I'll be like “hmmmmm



well maybe that's right”

I find myself settin’ here

wonderin’ by the water

I’m caught in a think

Anchor 9

9. Seasons Change ( Pierce Kelly Valenzuela )

    When I was living at Laconia, Pierce was living on the couch at Laconia. I’d have supper ready for him when he got off work, chile rellenos, it was beautiful. Anyways, we played all of our songs together and we’d bounce ideas off one another. One morning I was walking past the living room (aka Pierces room) and heard this unfamiliar progression coming from the couch. “What the fuck is that?!” I asked. Pierce replied “Just this little thing I've been messing around with.” I was blown away that he wrote it and said "That's the best song ever.” Flash forward a year or so to July at the lake, Pierce couldn't make it so I was summoning his spirit by playing his song and, caught up in missing my pal, I inserted unsolicited lyrics which seemed to sing themselves, I'll never know if Pierce approves of these unsolicited changes, the only things I do know is that 1: he does this song much better, and 2: its the best song ever. 

Sometimes you’re cold

Sometimes you’re hot

Sometimes you’re gettin’

just to see what you got

You sing the rock

other times you sing the blues

wait for good news to 

pass on through

Seasons change

Ain’t always winter when it rains

You can ask your questions to the wind

By summer

your answers will come round again


*Sometimes you’re here

Sometimes you’re not.

Sometimes I feel like

You’re all I got 

I sing the rock

Other times I sing these blues

Whole time through

Waitin’ for good news

Seasons change

Ain’t always winter when it rains down

Ask your questions to the wind pal

by summer 

the answers will come round 


They’ll come round 



Sometimes you’re cold

Sometimes you’re hot

Sometimes you’re gettin’

just to see what you got

You sing the rock

Other times you sing the blues, as your

Waitin’ for good news

To pass on through


Seasons change

Ain’t always winter when it rains

Ask your questions to the wind

By summer, the answers will come round again

And again, and again, and again, and again

the answers will come round again

*unsolicited liberties taken in the space between the asterisks*

Anchor 10

10. Where Do We Go From Here

( electric guitar: real brother Domenico Franco )

    Going through a break up is tough, it seems like there's a waterfall ahead that you can't escape. No, not that, cause that's something. It seems more bleak than that. It's more like that scene in the Truman show where he reaches the wall at the edge of the ocean. Bleak and confusing at the time, but there's a whole lot more beyond that wall. Tony Robbins told me that. 

That woman that love

Stronger than any ole god above

Well she's every damn perfection I could ever dream of

I must admit am pretty happy

I grew a little older and I think she did too

Well you wouldn't believe the feelings that our hearts can brew

She can lock me in a cage, take me to the moon 

And she doesn't need to use her hand to slap me


We’re sittin here singin “here comes the sun”

Livin’ every weekend like some bandits on the run

Spendin’ every dollar on havin’ fun

Never askin’ “where do we go from here?”


At Colter Wall you woulda wore your corduroys

It was the kind you didn't really have to dance to enjoy

You’re probably thinkin’ there was girls it was just us boys

Just ‘cause I’m smilin’ doesn’t mean I’m really happy


I thought that at the office you'd be outta my head

That I'd be focused in on something far away but instead

I’m steady thinkin’ bout you baby n so that's what I said

and now I got my colleagues starin’ at me


‘Cause we were sittin’ there singin’ “here comes the sun”

Livin every weekend like some bandits on the run

Spendin’ every dollar on havin’ fun

Never askin’, “where do we go from here?”


Now I'm sittin’ here thinkin’ “here comes the rain”

I don't care that it brings me all the flowers in my picture frames

I got this head full of guilt ‘cause I know you’re probably feeling the same

Along with all these memories I hold so dear

So dear, where do we go from here?

Where you gonna go from here?

Where do I go from here?

Where do we go from here?


When I had that woman that love

Stronger than any ole god above

Every damn perfection I could ever dream of

and I must admit was pretty happy


I grew a little older and I think she did too

Well you wouldn't believe the feelings that our hearts could brew

She could lock me in a cage, take me to the moon 

And she didn't need to use her hand to slap me

Anchor 11

11. 11:11

    Once you're through the breakup, you're beyond the wall, and everythings bright again. Bright until you drink alone thinking of shoulda woulda coulda's. Sometimes you gotta give yourself a nice lonely reminisce cry. Cry and cry and then stop fucking crying and laugh about something. This song is about the part right before you “stop fucking crying.” The part where things like writing a cringey song about 11:11 sound like a good idea. 

Sittin’ blue

Thinkin’ of you

Wonderin’ if you know i’m thinkin’ of you

I’m through with two from earlier so this one makes a few 

sittin’ round thinkin’ of you


Sittin’ thinkin’

Sittin’ drinkin’

Thinkin’ of you


wishin’ on you


If I had my ideal I would here with you

A couple hearts smiling ‘cause of feelings that are true

But the truth of the matter is I don't know how we would do

I‘m sittin’ round thinkin’ of you


Sittin’ thinkin’

Sittin’ drinkin’

Thinkin’ of you

It’s 11:11

I'm wishin’ on you


Well the worst of my pain ain’t harbored on my end

Hallucinatin’ memories my lover and my friend

I meant it when I told you I would love you to the end 

I get this monkey wrenched heart when I get to wonderin’ 


If you’re sittin’ thinkin’

Sittin’ drinkin’

Thinkin’ of me


Are you wishin’ on me?


Sittin’ thinkin’ like I’m 

Sittin’ drinkin’

Thinkin’ of you


Are you wishin' on me?

Anchor 12

12. East Portland Skyline

    I couldn't fit everything, some honorable mentions are as follows: Monday nights at the Craft Factory with Johnny and Elvis, Tuesday nights at Atlantis Underground in the winter, Wednesday morning Kings Harvest drive thru and Wednesday nights at Eastburn, Thursday nights with Rachel at Momoyama, Friday nights with Zach at the ramp featuring Old German, Saturday night dance parties at City Girl Corner, Sunday Mornings at Paradox cafe and Sunday nights at the Laurelthirst Pub. What do you mean “from a rooftop… who’s Todd Snider? Lord little resurrected baby Jesus please don't let O’bryant Plaza go the way of the 10th and Alder carts, it’s not their fault they are on the west side!

East Portland? Shit
Were livin' in a dream world over here
Moss so thick on the trees out front
you can't even see your neighbor
Maybe that's why they're all so friendly
Friendly at least til they see California plates
That's when they exercise their right

to write a citizen's parking ticket
I'd suggest riding a bicycle
Bikes don't require stopping at stop signs, or license plates
Like most locals, we just moved here
or just moved back rather
As the saying goes:

"Your hometown isn't necessarily where you grew up
it's where you spent your last thousand dollars"
and we've got six rent checks under our belt
although the real Oregonians seem salty when we say that
But fuck it

let's go play some billiards
A broken clock may be right twice a day
but the broken pool table down at the Sandy Hut

is free all night long

We got the best coffee shops east or west of the Mississippi
and for that reason, we make our coffee at home
Tuesdays: Helium Comedy Club. Thursdays: Johnny Franco
wherever the fuck he is
Some say it's the rain that drove 'em out of Laurelhurst park
but I know it was the mud
I mean, we like it wet, and it rains a lot in Brazil
Our bars might not stay open as late as New York
but they'll serve a full food menu til close
A roadside neighborhood bar
like My Father's Place, the Cat's Paw or the Good Foot
I'm talkin' drunken dimly lit brussels sprouts on a 1am bar stool
hold the salt
And if those are closed, there's always Tik-Tok Cafe
They'll supply the biscuits and gravy, but after hours
you gotta bring your own red wine
And night or day, it's a dog walker's paradise
If you're not standing in a park, walk another block
Just clean up after your canine, will ya?
But even if you don't

you'll probably get the benefit of the doubt
We try to keep an open mind
and the judgements to a minimum
We also try to keep a rain jacket handy
not an umbrella
The rest of the country probably thinks we're crazy
and that may be true
But it's not like we live on the other side of the river or something
It's the Will-AM-ette dammit!
I don't know what's goin' on over there
You hear Mary's moved?

Not Sassy's tho
Sassy's stays put while the arson fires burn all around her
And as the skyline rises one apartment building after another
she's a humble reminder
of just how low east Portland is

Anchor 13

13. Buskers Jingle Jangle

(melodica: Jay Ringer)

    “Give em all of my hey hi howdy’s” ..certain phrases warrant building a song around and Jesse’s full of em. She and I sat at the waterfront trying to figure out what the “hey hi howdy” song is about when we saw none other than Jay Ringer, sitting there behind the keys, trumpet-busking for hours, pulling all these songs out of nowhere. It takes a lot of work to shake all those aces out of your sleeve, obviously the great buskers like Jay have put the work in. The way my dad always said it was “if you want me to pull a rabbit out of a hat, i'm gonna need a rabbit and a hat.” After stealing that from pops I stole the quip “don't go anywhere, but if you do, give us money before you leave” from the professional entertainer himself Johnny Franco, certainly he has a few to spare, he’s a professional. So to recap, this song is stolen from Jesse, Billy and Johnny, without asking. I will not be asking their permission to give them credit either.

If you want me to pull a rabbit

Out of a hat

I'm gonna need a rabbit

And a hat


Don't go anywhere

But if you do

Give us money before you leave


Give ‘em all of my “hey hi howdy’s”

Them late mornin’ n early night rowdys

Hey! Hi



Now don't go anywhere

But if you do

Give us money before you leave


My buskin is more than a habit

A black top hat, a big white rabbit

It’s a way to make a livin

Shit, you gotta eat


This magic isn’t free

It costs an optional fee

I got this bucket next to me

I ain't beggin’ but please

Give us money before you leave


Give us money before you leave


many thanks to: Pierce & Jerry Valenzuela n the rest for obvious reasons, Red Kia Soul, Bill & Matt Shapiro for the whole teach me how to play guitar thing, Paige Bella, the Voice Memos app on which this album was recorded, Corey “CK Waverider” Kaiser & Meagan Isbell for the world's best broken guitar and for being a buncha Surfer Wannabes Endlessly Loving Life, Todd Snider, uncle Rudy Mosqueda, Tiffany Vivian Chhum Le for most of the songs, John Prine, Alex “dw Snake Bite” Vo, Kyara and Kalvin Adams for their enthusiastic stage providing, Mr. Fan for finding me a guitar in Yushan Town, Ken “We Are Not Tadao Ando” Chen, Ryan Townley for showing us how to do it the right way, Randy Newman, Jonathan Richman, Shel Silverstein, Austin “Dude Fuckman” Leong for the dirt naps and finding the joy in life's inconveniences, Oscar DePaz for saving my life I think, Eric Roebuck, Parc Crecelius, Eli Peters for pouring his soul out of his harp and into my text messages, the lovely María Reed, Doc Pitello & Anson Ditt for fixing up the best broken guitar in the world, Madison Fowlie, John from 202, everyone at the Atlantis Underground, Kendal Lujan, The Craft Factory, The East Burn, The Porch of the Terlingua Trading Company, Johnny Franco and his Real Brother Dom for the shenanigans and the Sheri’s, Ross McKinney, Jessemin Cain, Jay & Coco Ringer, Mickey or Mikey depending on where you meet him, J.D. Erickson, John Fauler & anyone who has eaten breakfast at Tik Tok Cafe after 2 am.

Lastly, thank you, for listening to the album, and for reading these onliner notes. 

content provided by Rest Records © 2022

all rights reserved. 

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